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  • (212) 353-3734 NY
  • info@casgroupllc.com


Coastal & Marine

Part 2: Wind Data Analysis Case Studies

Over the last decade CAS Group has been actively involved in developing environmental criteria in support of a wide range of projects worldwide, including numerous LNG terminals. In addition, we are often asked...

Coastal & Marine

Part 1: Wind Data Analysis

Wind speed is an environmental parameter that plays a significant role in the siting of LNG facilities. The use of incorrectly developed wind speed values in siting studies can result in unnecessary capital expenditures...


Safety First: Barricades on Sites

Safety on job sites is always of paramount importance. One of the critical aspects in ensuring that no staff are injured is the proper use of yellow and red barricades. On most job sites there are typically two types of barricades...


Avoiding Construction Disputes

The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words,” is truly relevant to the world of construction and can be a critical component of avoiding or expeditiously resolving construction disputes. CAS Group is often our clients’...