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Coastal & Marine Engineering

Coastal and Marine Engineering

CAS Group provides comprehensive services for the planning, design, and construction of coastal and waterfront facilities. Our clients work directly with recognized global experts that have collectively directed the delivery of over $8 billion of marine infrastructure including shoreline and coastal flood protections, waterfront structures, container terminals, LNG Terminals, onshore and offshore liquid bulk terminals, dry bulk terminals, small craft harbors, dredging and land reclamation works, intakes and outfalls, navigation channels, and pipelines. We apply both established best practice and creative cutting-edge approaches to deliver cost-effective, efficient, and resilient solutions.

Sectors: Ports and Terminals · Harbors · Industrial Development · Waterfront Development · Navigation · Hazard Mitigation · Resilience · Oil & Gas

Coastal & Marine Engineering

Planning & Design of Ports & Marine Terminals

Marine terminal planning and conceptual design, due diligence in support of equity investment, studies to establish basis of design, FEED and detailed design, operations analysis, technical and financial feasibility studies, navigation simulations, physical model testing, dredging and land reclamation, onshore and offshore mooring systems, construction planning and management.

Coastal & Waterfront Structures

Conceptual design and value engineering of breakwaters, revetments, seawalls, causeways, shore protection and flood protection structures, intake and outfall structures, river control structures, and all types of waterfront structures including bulkheads, quay walls, piers, and wharves.

Numerical Modeling

Numerical modeling of 2D and 3D hydrodynamics and water quality of lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal-ocean regions, waves and harbor wave agitation, sediment transport and beach processes, coastal morphology, and dynamic mooring analysis.

Data Acquisition & Analysis

In-house state-of-the art MetOcean data gathering capability, including measurements of waves, currents, and water levels, meteorological measurements, signal processing, and custom programming for data analysis.

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Many firms provide coastal and marine engineering services, but few have the expertise and breadth of experience that is concentrated in CAS Group’s key personnel who work directly with clients. Christopher Carr, P.E., manages this group and is a recognized expert in the coastal and structural engineering aspects of marine facility projects. He has more than 40 years of design experience, has served as global director of coastal engineering for several international engineering firms, and was the project manager on more than $5 billion of marine infrastructure project worldwide. SVP Majid Yavary, P.Eng. is a civil and coastal engineer who has directed marine infrastructure mega-projects in the Middle East as well as several port and marine projects in North America and served as consultant on numerous coastal projects, LNG terminals, intermodal terminals, and energy related facilities worldwide. He is an expert in coastal data acquisition and has served as the principal US representative on two Working Groups for World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), including the development of criteria for maritime dredging and use of hydro/meteo information for port access and operations, and is the Chairperson of the PIANC Working Group tasked to update criteria for acceptable movement of ships at berth.
CAS Group personnel have been responsible for development of the design basis, detailed designs, physical model testing, and value engineering of a wide range of breakwaters and revetments. This includes conventional and dynamic rock breakwaters, caisson breakwaters, and concrete armor unit rubble mound breakwaters as well as wave screens and floating breakwaters. Shore protection projects have been in North and South America, Caribbean, Middle East, Far East and Africa. We have supervised physical hydraulic model hydraulic tests performed at laboratories located in US, Canada, UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, South Africa, and Israel.
CAS Group modelers have extensive experience with DHI and Delft software packages for 2D / 3D modeling of hydrodynamics, sediment transport, water quality, and particle tracking; wind wave and cyclone wave generation, wave transformation, and harbor wave agitation; wave-structure interaction; beach and surf zone processes; coastal morphology; and dynamic mooring analysis. Other software capabilities include X-Beach, OPTIMOOR, and a range of software tools developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, USEPA, and other agencies. The group is highly proficient in GIS and AI applications and routinely develops custom programming solutions using MATLAB, PYTHON, and other platforms.

CAS Group has participated in the development of marine elements of several conventional and floating LNG terminals around the globe. We have performed siting studies, conducted MetOcean data collection campaigns, hindcast studies, developed operational and extreme wave climates, performed navigation studies as well as dynamic mooring analyses, developed FEED, and performed detailed design.

In addition, key staff in our Coastal and Marine Engineering Practice have collectively performed numerous engineering studies and participated in the design and/or construction of the marine elements of over 70 proposed and existing LNG facilities around the globe including more than a dozen FSRU projects.

CAS Group covers all phases of infrastructure development from concept to completion. We have the capabilities to handle both marine- and land-based projects from feasibility studies and site selection to contract and concession negotiations, program management, and construction supervision.
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